Exercises for 2-4-year-old children
I recommend the infants exercise video package containing primitive reflex integration exercises for children aged two to four years.
The exercises are especially recommended for those who:
were born through a C-section,
have muscles which are either too tight or too loose,
had a birth weight of less than 2400 grams,
were premature,
had the umbilical cord wrapped around their neck,
had an Apgar score below 10/10,
experienced delays in motor or speech development,
...and had or have other sensory and motor development-related issues.
The videos feature primitive reflex integration exercises. When primitive reflexes persist beyond the age when they should naturally disappear, the child can display symptoms such as ADHD, Anxiety, Hypersensitivity, Bedwetting, and others. The purpose of the exercises in these videos is to generate stimuli to which the nervous system responds, resulting in the inhibition ("disappearance") of the retained primitive reflexes.
I also recommend reading my article on inhibiting primitive reflexes in young children.
You can find more information about sensorimotor development and the role of primitive reflexes in my book Rewiring the Brain. Other exercise packages can be browsed under the "Videos" menu item on this website.
By renting the infants exercise video package on Vimeo you get unlimited personal access to watch the exercise videos for 1 year.
To rent a video series, you must first register on Vimeo and then pay by bank card or PayPal. In case you need help, I created a page with instructions on how to purchase the packages.
You can also browse my other video exercise packages. If you have questions about the videos send them to questions.drsarlos @ gmail.com and I will be glad to help.
You carry out these exercises at your own risk. Always consult your child’s doctor if the child has any condition that may conflict with the performance of the exercises (including but not limited to stroke, cancer, epilepsy, shunt, and orthopedic disorders).